
And for this...I shall be forever greatful

That sounds like a quote, right? maybe it is...maybe it isn't. Well, now it's my quote because I feel so fortunate to have learned all this cool and useful information. The different sites I've been to, applications I've learned about, and thinking about old sites in new ways are just a few of the benefits from the Library 2.0 project. I've really enjoyed becoming more comfortable with blogging-something I've done for a couple of years, but am now finding out about so many great widgets! Bloglines and Netvibes have revolutionized checking in on friend's blogs, plus all the other places I go online. No more wasting time going to places that haven't been updated. Just check your bloglines and you have all the info you need with one stop. Kind of like stop shopping! From an educational perspective, online applications are the way curriculums are being set up in today's classrooms and are the way we need to be gearing our program at the ALC. Teachers and educators are using YouTube and Podcasting to deliver lectures to online students, for homework, or to leave with a sub in his or her absence, and I see us doing the same. Why should a student not be able to work on upgrading from home or from a site that provides internet access even if the ALC is not open? With these tools we will be able to broadcast help on an endless amount of subjects that can be accessed from anywhere at anytime. The Wiki itself is a tool that will be useful for setting up similar to a textbook with steps for writing a paper or working on math. Students can go to our wiki and work through their levels on their own time. Search engines like Technorati and are places where other educators have already researched and compiled useful documents and sites. These are the two search related sites I liked best and will continue to use. The main thing I've found with learning all this new info. is that there is so much still to learn. I'm really glad that I've had the opportunity to learn what I have and to actually get something in return for it. I feel like it should have been a class I paid for...don't quote me on that one...